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Play Matters

Because play is essential for learning, joy, and emotional wellness.

Top View of Kids Playing

play+ supported playgroups

Play+ curriculum is designed by our Developmental Specialists here at Family Matters using evidence based strategies to best support and grow your child's social and emotional skills.  Classes are 1.5-2 hours long and your child will learn a wide range of skills through guided play and independent play with the support of our Developmental Specialist. Classes include handouts for parents to make connections between class and home.

Image by Robert Collins

play+ community groups

We've taken some of the activities that your children know and love and have put them together in a way that you can continue to use them with other families out in the community.  Parents can sign up to host or attend a play group that will build onto what they are learning in Play+ while encouraging positive relationships.


play+ space

Our play space is designed to fit every child's needs. We've taken inspiration from Reggio and Montessori play spaces and put them together in a way that encourages positive interaction with peers and imaginative play. This set up is proven to enhance learning and support your child's social and emotional needs. We have created a toybrary to allow you to check some of these toys out for yourself.  We also provide a short workshop for those interested in mirroring this set up at home too.

Girl in Class

play+ anywhere

For our families who lack transportation, find it difficult to get out the door, or just want the play group but in the comfort of their own home we offer play+ anywhere. Utilizing a web-based platform, you are able to virtually join us in our play sanctuary to listen to the story, songs, and will get a email detailing materials and activities so you can play along at home.

Play: Programs

Price List

Coming Soon

Play+ Classes




Coming Soon!

Community Play Groups



Coming Soon! 

Parent Play Night



Coming Soon!

Our Information

Files for Download

Play Ahead

Find this months theme, schema of the month and class schedules.

Save Time

To get the most of your time with us we've provided the registration forms to fill out ahead of time.

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